AiRTX HopperVac, the easiest to use inline vacuum to help you stay clean and organized.

The HopperVac™ saves you time, effort, and money. It offers a unique method of loading a hopper without carrying a bucket of heavy and cumbersome pellets up flights of stairs or while climbing on platforms. Simply place the HopperVac™ in the pellet container box, place the other end over the hopper, turn the ball valve on and in seconds you have loaded the hopper. The HopperVac™ can also be reversed to effortlessly unload the hopper. You can easily unload the hopper to change colors or materials, while minimalizing pellet waste and spillage.

HopperVac™ Model 95308 Contains

  • Air flow amplifier
  • 3′ x 1 1/2″ aluminum feed tube
  • 10′ x 1 1/2″ flexible hose
  • Hopper feed aluminum hanger tube
  • On/off ball valve

HopperVac - Inline Vacuum

AiRTX HopperVac™ Advantages

  • Operates at a small fraction of the cost for motor driven Hopper Loaders
  • Low cost – high output
  • Hook up to a compressed air line, drop it into a container of pellets, and let the HopperVac do the work
  • Compressed air operation
  • No maintenance
  • No break downs or down time
  • Variable feed rate up to 50 pounds rounds/min
  • .80″ throat diameter
  • Air consumption 15 cfm @ 80psi